volunteer with us!

There are many ways to get involved in the Hillcrest PTO. We are always looking for volunteers.
Whether you are interested in joining the board, planning an event, fundraiser or helping out in any way (big or small), there is something for everyone!

Available evenings or weekends only?
There are many opportunities to help at any hour of the day!

help a teacher

Contact your teacher to see if you can help with prep work: cutting, sorting, stapling, etc.

event help

Help with an event – most event meetings occur in the evenings, and many tasks can be completed on your time outside of working hours.

pto meetings

Attend PTO meetings to learn about what’s happening at the school and find out where help is needed most.

If you do want to volunteer in a classroom there are some requirements, and you do have to sign up for Volunteer tracker. Depending on the level you sign up for you may need a background check that will be done for you.
[click here for more info and to sign up for Volunteer Tracker]