Spring flowers Hanging Baskets Sale
Get ready to brighten up your home and garden with beautiful hanging flower baskets! Our annual Spring Flower Sale is here, offering a gorgeous selection of locally grown baskets by Wery’s Blossom Creek intime for Mother’s Day and hopefully warmer weather. Order Deadline: March 19
Payments Due: March 20 (Check, Cash, or Venmo)
Pickup Date: Thursday, May 1st at Hillcrest School
Order now and bring a pop of color to your porch while supporting our school!
Click here to order
This year’s options
Cost: $20
coleus mix basket
wax begonia basket
mixed impatiens basket
wandering jew basket
new guinea patiens basket
sun patiens basket
Cost: $25
geranium basket
fuchsia basket
calibrachoa basket
supertunia petunia basket
Proven winners
Combo Basket
Cost: $30
We are delighted to be able to offer this at $5 less than last year!
Some of Wery’s flowers from 2024